candy scan - part 3

name: nestle kit kat chocolatier wine!
country of origin: japan
description: again it says chocolate but it's that same white goo again, this time with a pink tint. apparently some iron chef was involved with the creation of this foodstuff. 'odd,' you say, 'candy that tastes like wine? how can this be?' well to be honest, it's pretty good. in a way it is a mutated kit kat, with an inside filling that kind of tastes like a ladyfinger soaked in burgundy. to determine if there was any alcoholic content to this filling, i ate about 10 at once. no dice. i would say the best part of this packaging was the back of the box and the wrapper, that has a graphic directing you to their popalicious websites. it says... ' quality & trust... happy talk with nestle.' [/warmfuzzies]
Hi there this blogs cool even if i don't quite know what its about - used candy wrappers, detritus of the comsumer society? anyhow it looks interesting examing cultural artifacts of the fast food culture. Hope I added to your comment ratio in a small way.
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