ye may be perchance agog to find this most obscure and most unread blog to be discussing this particular topic, but you got something more than you bargained for; i'm yer golderned indiana jones blogger.

i saw temple of doom at congressional theater in rockville, and for some reason i think my dad got me the OFFICIAL COLLECTORS EDITION program. neener, neener. i dunno if it is worth anything these days, but is is fun to look at.

also about that time i purchased the OFFICIAL REPLICA HAT at britches great outdoors in montgomery mall. the hat has outlived the stores in the mall, hah. well this hat is copyright 1984 so i guess it coincided with temple of doom. feels like walking on fortune cookie!

anyways there are some photos of indy looking all buff etc etc. i am invited by the ever enthusiastic
snay to view all the first three movies in a marathon before number 4 comes out, so perhaps i'll bring it along.
dr. jones... he is... nefarious...
I am sure you now appreciate that your father bought you the book.
yeah my dad is SUPER COOL!!!1 :D
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