perhaps this is of limited interest, but my grandpaw m woulda been 99 today. at least this is an opportunity to show this mackin' pic of him taken by a street photographer on the streets of st. louis.
so now you know where i get alot of my jaunty factor from. lulz.
grandpaw (he preferred "paw" to "pa") was an exemplary husband, father, grandfather, provider for his family, and all around renaissance guy. i think he didn't get past highschool since he had to WORK, but he was one of the most cultured and intelligent people i have ever met.
plus, he was a
linotype operator. when i get tired of plinking the keyboard, i often reflect that at least my CPU does not have a molten container of lead attached to it.
so, if there is internets in teh heav0n, happy birthday grandpaW!