my summer vakashun by johnny dollar (age 35 1/2)
but i felt rite at home coz there was a [4th street] LIVE! with a hard rock cafe! where's the aquarium?
but the pep boy's fixt our truck and we got the nice car safe into dad's garodge before the vakayshun day!
latur in the week we saw a fisherman in a boat but i guess the majic mushrooms i ate made him look like an alien brachipod! scarey!
hukt on fuhnyx werkt 4 mi 2
i will learn to spel better wunce i am in furst grade
I'm SO JEALOUS that you got to see the Chihuly exhbibit! I might actually consider visiting St. Louis if I could see that!
And that car is so in fitting with the idea I have of you.
:) thx summer! the car will be happier there for the time being, instead of rusting in b-more.
if you want i could post my chihuly photos on flickr or somesuch.
oh definitely! I'm actually thinking that might be worth investing my 4 day weekend (aka Columbus day) to go see, but please, show them! :-)
Hey Johnny,
Deal was u were going bring me sum of dem toasted raviolis from The Hill since a Ted Drewes delivery would be so melty. Looks like u 8 mah raviolis???
kitty, email me and i'll deliver you your ravioli personally!
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