johnny dollar's vault resides in the basement of stately dollar maisonTM, amongst the wine cellar, tiki bar, and finicky electrical panel. from time to time i will unearth various artifacts from either there or from the random crevices of my mind.
NOTE: this blog will NOT deal with any recent pop culture (i.e. since about 1990) or topical issues, so if you're looking for discussion about britney baracko jacko flacco, look elsewhere, lol
i can't imagine why anyone would want an rss feed of my particular brand of garbage, but it has been requested, and so there it is in the sidebar. w00t!!!1eleven
yay, thank you for the nifty stalking tool.
Hmm. According to my feed reader, you've had an RSS feed for quite some time.
yah, i mostly just added a schamncy button to make it point-and-shoot.
i m not leet at the internets so much.
Alright, Johnny's in the Radar Secret Service.
the radar secret service! that looks like a cool flick!
Nice button. I've already been subscribed for some time, but I might delete you now that you got Whoomp! There it is! stuck in my head. :)
lol, well i really wanted to work 'baby's got back' into it, but this flowed better :P
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