candy scan - part the 4th

name: kellogg's pop tarts - HELLO KITTY meow berry
country of origin: well, that's debatable - but mfd. in the you ess ayy
description: meow berry!!! so sue me if a pop tart isn't technically candy, but at 200 calories apiece and ingredients #3-#6 being corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, and sugar, i think i have a pretty good case!!!eleven ennywheys, these little nits have bow-shaped jimmies on pink icing ands a non-identifiable fruit flavouring filling, and they DAMN GOOD despite being marketed to 11-year-old girls. so maybe thinking they are the bomb makes me teh gay. wat evah. i am mostly fascinated by the japanese uber-cuteness being exploited so craftily to sell american fat-increasing foodstuffs. who can resist the power of the meow?
*meow meow*
Kitties r best!1
Paws 2 u J$
Oh, Johnny!
Just you wait until the Seven Pleasures season opener- have I got a surprise for you and Waikiki Kitty!!!
Kitties r indeed, the very best-est!
cool! mega meows!
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