arrrrr we left brown eye the pie rat and black butt the pie rat, the silver pearl washed up, and a treasure chest under foot...
shiver me timbers, who has the key?
avast tharrr be sirens yonder, can the mermaids help?
the sirens tell tales of their mate who had the key, but was caught and locked in spikey jones’ locker forever...
the pie rats meet the beauty, living out a life of condemnation in the sunken treasure chest...
she tells them that spikey jones keeps the key on his collar, and that if they try to find it he will be enraged, and summon creatures more terrifying than one can imagine...
arrr they be pie rats, they can not ignore an unopened treasure chest, they break out of the mermaid’s chest...

and not a moment too soon, as an army of kraken enveloped the chest, feasting on the beautiful mermaid!
for spikey jones IS the sea and he knows what the pie rats are up to.....

will spikey jones get our pie rats? will they get their treasure? will there be more pie?