zippy dee doo blog

picked up the daily planet yesterday and this cartoon caught my eye. thought i'd do a cartoon review (not to step on any toes).
de point is that zippy is a great strip, documenting roadside architecture across the nation and interjecting snarky comments about american society with a healthy dose of absurdist non sequiturs.
seems griffy's kvetching is focused on us lowly bloggers in this one... 'annoying ego blather?' well, possibly. props to the beef burger backdrop, but i dunno if cartoonists are particularly any different animule than us...
so if u r a self-indulgent ego blathering blogger, what does that make me... a voyeur of literary exposition? ...perhaps.
voyeur vous coucher avec moi se sois
oui, oui M. dollar ;-)
Beaujolais vous menage a trois français tickler.
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